


An expert panel with physicians, psychiatrist, and a parent of a child with an autoinflammatory disease respond to audience questions during the “Managing your Autoinflammatory Disease: Lifestyle and Wellness Workshop,” which took place on April 28, 2018, at Boston Children’s Hospital in Waltham, MA. 

Watch the video or read the transcript below. Take a look at other videos from this workshop. 

The transcript has been edited for clarity.

Audience 1: What do you see in the future? Our son right now is suffering from CAPS and is on Ilaris…it works, but is there research on types of other medications or are we stuck with this for now? Continue reading Experts respond to questions about autoinflammatory diseases


Fevers, headaches, and a bear named Valentine: Our family’s journey with an autoinflammatory disease

Kara, the mother of a child with an autoinflammatory disease, describes her family’s experiences with diagnosing, managing, and living with an autoinflammatory disease. 

This talk was presented as part of the “Managing your Autoinflammatory Disease: Lifestyle and Wellness Workshop,” which took place on April 28, 2018, at Boston Children’s Hospital in Waltham, MA. 

Watch the video or read the transcript below. Take a look at other videos from this workshop. 

Transcript has been edited for clarity.

Julia was a beautiful baby with a full head of curly black hair. Her first couple of years were filled with sweetness and love, but also many unexplained fevers we chalked up to exposure to her two older brothers, who had persistent asthma, migraines, and, of course, normal frequent childhood illnesses.  Continue reading 使用ssr退出后,电脑能连上无线网,但是不能上网的解决 ...:2021-4-20 · 我的电脑是windows 10系统,前几天使用ssr后,不知道是ssr退出方式不对还是怎么了,在之后电脑能连接上无线网,但是网络时有时无,无的时间多,及其不稳定,后来尝试了几种方法才解决了这 …


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Dr. Carolyn Snell, a psychologist from Boston Children’s Hospital, discusses the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy for autoinflammatory diseases. 

This talk was presented as part of the “Managing your Autoinflammatory Disease: Lifestyle and Wellness Workshop,” which took place on April 28, 2018, at Boston Children’s Hospital in Waltham, MA. 

Watch the video or read the transcript below. Also, take a look at other videos from this workshop. 

The transcript has been edited for clarity.

Dr. Carolyn Snell:

Hi, I’m Carolyn Snell. I’m one of the psychologists in the Medical Coping Clinic at Boston Children’s Hospital. We are a group of four psychologists and a number of trainees who work within Psychiatry with patients who have different types of medical conditions. We get a lot of referrals from Rheumatology, certainly, but from also departments across the hospital. We see people with a wide range of conditions, and helping people manage and cope with their medical conditions is one of the major things we do.

Continue reading Cognitive behavioral therapy for autoinflammatory diseases



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